Tour of Western Spain 7

Sat, 4th 5pm. Had a peaceful night as usual, Set off after breakfast, went to Eroski and bought a charger for my mobile, called at the station for info re trains into and around Santiago, to discover they are run by different companies. Apparently the northern line is run by FEVE not RENFE…
then we set off to A Catedrais, 10 km west. It is named for a cathedral because many of the rocky outcrops have been worn away by the waves to create great stone arches reminiscent of a catherdal. We got there a bit late as the tide was coming in, but it was very interesting. We motored back on the narrow coast road, stopping just before Rinlo. We parked on the cliff top and had lunch. Billy went exploring possible fishing sites and found an old marine installation which we think may have been a submarine pen from the last war, and he had a go at fishing there. Especially interesting as Spain was supposedly neutral in the last war…. reading it up, I found that Franco had agreed in the years leading up to the war to allow Germany to ‘try out’ its submarines in Spanish waters….
We returned to Arnao around 3.30 and went on the beach for an hour. Now Billy is sunbathing on the grass while I write.
Sunday, 5th 12.20pm. Went to look around Figueras last evening. A bit seedy and run-down, like so many places round here. There is not a lot of work, and not a large tourist industry at all. We went back into Ribadeo to eat, then we returned to Arnao in time to watch the sun set. Later, as we were getting ready for bed at 11.30, the music began! Somewhere in the area, a fiesta was happening…..
At 1.45am we got up, threw on some clothes, drove to the car park full of motor homes we had seen at A Catedras the previous morning, parked up and went back to bed – bliss!
This morning we rose after 8, and set off on the road to Santiago. It was raining heavily when we left the coast but it has improved steadily and although it is still a bit misty in the distance and there are times of fine rain, we can feel the sun through the clouds. We have just come off the NV1 Lugo to A Coruna autovia back onto the N362 Ribadeo to Santiago and have stopped in a lay by for a break. Billy is asleep so I am catching up with my journal!
9.35pm. We drove on following the ring-road round the south of Santiago onto the N550 to Padron without any difficulties. The weather had been very misty – we needed fog lights at one point – but slowly improved as we neared Santiago. We noted a lorry park on the outskirts of Padron, but continued in to find the station with times of trains for the morning. At the moment we are in the lorry park ready for the night.

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